Polihale Beach

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Polihale State Park, located on the western shore of Kauaʻi, is an interesting but beautiful place to visit.  It has 17 miles of pristine white sand beach, sand dunes over 40 feet tall, a great view of the southwest end of the Na Pali coast, and stunning sunsets.  It is about as remote a beach as you can find here.

Just driving in is a journey in itself.  The road in is a long and bumpy dirt road that may flood during rains and become impassable. Other areas have deep sand. Four-wheel drive vehicles are strongly recommended, and be aware that rental car companies may prohibit use of their vehicles on this park access road.  But on arrival you will be met with a pot of gold.

The park is open daily from 5:30 AM to 6:45 PM.  It has bathrooms, showers, water fountain, a few picnic tables and a picnic pavilion, and campsites.  Fishing, swimming, surfing, and camping are all possible here.  There are no lifeguards at this beach and with strong currents it can be very dangerous.  If in doubt, don't go out.

Being a western beach on the leeward side, the weather is almost always sunny.  It can get very hot and dry at this beach at any time of year, so make sure to bring lots of water, food, reef save sunscreen, and a beach umbrella.  Polihale is a popular place for the locals, a lot of families will be there all weekend.  Locals go there to swim, surf, fish, and spend time with family and friends.  It is an ideal place to camp for locals and visitors.

Polihale is a State Park and camping here is managed by the state.  Before you plan a camping trip here, spaces are limited, so make sure you visit the website (https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/parks/kauai/polihale-state-park/) to see if camping permits are available.  This is the state park and you do need a permit to camp here.

Another popular spot at Polihale is Queens pond.  If you find your way to Queens pond, you will be in for a treat.  You will feel like royalty as this is where the queen used to swim.  Polihale is the most western part of the main Hawaiian islands and is very isolated.  Always double check to make sure you have your car keys in a safe spot and don't lose them.  "Malama Ka Aina" means protect the land. While visiting this and ANY beach, always pack your trash and be aware of your impact on your surroundings. Take only photos and leave only footsteps.

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